Saturday, October 20, 2007


Fellow SAW and REPO fans... Be SURE to tune into SPIKE TV'S SCREAM AWARDS - airing NEXT WEEK - - check your local times and all that Jazz...

You will get a special treat - BOTH from SAW and REPO!!!!

I am so so so so excited!!!! What I am not excited about is only 3 days left of REPO filming… Oh well… I guess now I just look forward to you guys seeing it!!!!

Talk to you all soon,

 Wednesday, October 17, 2007


If you are in Toronto - have some nice clothes - - come to set - - ASAP

Toronto, On M4M 1E6


See you all soon!!!

 Tuesday, October 16, 2007


It just hit me tonight - at midnight - that I only have 5 more days of shooting... I have never wanted something to NOT to end more in my entire life. This has been a life changing experience - every morning I wake up I feel like a kid in a candy store... I am working with the most amazing people - and I don't want this to end...

Tomorrow morning starts our biggest week. We have no less than 200 extra's plus our main cast, PLUS we are shooting our biggest song and death numbers...

By the way - - everyone keep an eye out for the SCREAM AWARDS airing on SPIKE TV - - there 'might' be a little surprise!!!

Keep your fingers crossed!!!


 October 11, 2007 - Thursday


Ok, who is in Toronto? Who wants to be in REPO???? Check this out!!!!

Come out - hang out with us!!!!!



Repo! The Genetic Opera is looking for approximately 200 people to volunteer
each day as opera patrons on:


It is an opportunity to see an amazing cast of renowned artists perform on stage
during the making of a feature film. The scenes being filmed on the day will feature:

Paris Hilton (making her musical screen debut)
Sarah Brightman (from Phantom of the Opera)
Paul Sorvino (from GoodFellas and Law and Order)
Anthony Head (from Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Alexa Vega (from the Spy Kids films)
Kevin Ogilvie (from the cult band Skinny Puppy)
Bill Moseley (from The Devils Rejects)

We're looking for men and women between the ages of 25 and 75, and the
wardrobe requirements are tuxedos/black suits for men and formal attire
for women. After all, it's a day at the opera!

Repo! is a visually stunning, thoroughly original musical - please join us and be a part of
the Opera! If you're interested, please respond to
and provide your name, age, contact number, and a photo if possible.

Please note that once we reach our desired number of participants, we will close the registration, so respond early!

Details about the shoot:

1) Please be prepared to stay a minimum of eight hours.

2) There is no financial compensation, but lunch will be provided.

3) Parking is limited at the studio, so taxis and public transportation are encouraged.
Shuttles will be provided to the studio from a nearby subway station (more details
will be provided upon registration).

4) There will be change rooms on site.

5) The call time for the day will be e-mailed the night before to the e-mail address
provided when you register. You are responsible for checking the time and
location, as we are not able to call each person individually.

6) No cameras or recording devices of any kind will be allowed on set.

October 5, 2007 - Friday


So, as I have said in all my previous blogs - I LOVE the cast of REPO OPERA... never before have I felt so connected and attached to one ground of people... We love each other so much - we all go on little trips and adventures on the weekends... Well, last weekend the great PETE BLOCK and DAN HEFFNER (producers) rented us a bus to go up to Niagara Falls and spend the day...

Alexa Vega, Anthony Steward Head, Bill Moseley, Terrance Zdunich, myself and about 10 others all went... It was such a great time...

For those of you who know me - you know my love for haunted houses... I love them!!! Well besides having a HUGE waterfall in Niagara - they also have about 20 themed haunted houses... So while the bus of people all were excited about seeing the falls, and MAID OF THE MIDSTS I was excited about going into NIGHTMARES, and SCREAMERS!!!

After a long and somewhat complicated day of our BUS DRIVER getting 'quasi' arrested, having the bus taken away and us all being stuck in Niagara - I said 'FUCK IT' - I am going to the HAUNTED houses!!!!

The 'great' Bill Moseley joined myself and my girlfriend, and he went into this little gem called NIGHTMARES...

It's the kind of haunted house that takes a picture of you right at the moment of a big scare... I have enclosed 'said' picture as it's the most absurd ridiculous AWESOME picture in the world!!!! It's looks so pathetic it almost lookes staged... But no... Sadly, it us just us... Being scared!!!!!!

Niagra ROCKED!!!!

Onwards to REPO!!!

Repo also ROCKS!!! We shot for one straight week with Paris, Bill, and Ogre!!! These three are insane!!! They all play siblings… What a fucked up family tree!!! I also got to say Paris is going to change a lot of peoples opinions of her... She is really going all out for this flick!

Today we are shooting on of my favorite scenes – and also one of the most violent!!! I also managed to round up an old friend for a cameo today playing our poor, hapless victim!!! You will know him from SAW II - - but I will remain mum and let you keep guessing on who it is!!!!

Until next time!


8:42 AM

September 22, 2007 - Saturday


10 days of shooting - GONE... 1/3 of the movie shot... I am in love with my cast! IN LOVE!!!!! There is not a weak link - - Every single actor is AMAZING!!!

ALEXA VEGA is absolutely incredible as Shilo... This SPY KID is all growns up!

Anthony Steward Head has such a ROCK'N'ROLL voice I can't get his songs out of my head...

And lets not forget SARAH BRIGHTMAN... This woman is a legend - and is doing things in this movie that are so fucking incredible that sometimes I forget that I am directing her - - - I get so entranced by what she is doing I ZONE out and forget to yell CUT.

And then there's Paul Sorvino, my villain. His mere presence terrifies me...

Lastly, let me introduce you all to Terrance Zdunich - the writer, and co-star playing GRAVEROBBER... I have known Terrance for a long time - and I am proud to say the second this movie comes out he will BLOW, BLOW, BLIIIZO!!! He embodies the work 'rock star'.

Next week - Bill Moseley, Ogre, and Paris take the stage! I can't wait!!!!
This movie is shaping up so much better than I EVER could have hoped for!!!


September 16, 2007 - Sunday

WEEK ONE WRAP UP - we end in a blaze! Literally!!!

Ok - so I am sitting at video village - a perminate smile plastered on my face! Music is blaring - actors or dancing - - it's good times for all... Then suddenly I see Anthony Head kind of stop... turn around, and RUN!!!! I'm like - hmmm... is he improvising some new blocking? Then I hear "FIRE!!!! FIRE!!!!!" Thats when I see the smoke!!!

OH yes!!! my set was on FIRE!!!! We were shooting this song where all these leaves are blowing around - and it's like a gothic wind storm... Well I guess some of the leaves blew into a LIGHT - the leaf caught fire - blew on some other leaves - and in a matter of seconds - we had a bond fire - inside our studio!!!

For a brief second I saw my hopes and dreams burning in front of me... What if this entire set CATCHES FIRE? What if it all burns down? As I am contimplating all of this - the fire is suddenly put out - and gone!!! Disaster averted! Thank god for fire extinguishers and quick reflexed crew!

An hour later - we are back on track... Singing and Dancing, and Repossessing some organs!!!!

Onwards to Week TWO!!!


September 13, 2007 - Thursday
DAY 4 - thoughts from the bathroom...

Ok, let me explain! After yet ANOTHER amazing day on the set of REPO OPERA - I went to the bathroom where I do some of my best thinking... I walked in, (I am still on the set and using the STAGE bathroom) a set carpenter was in one of the stalls completely unaware - I, or anyone else had entered the bathroom - and to my amazement was singing a song from REPO!

Ok, first off I was excited to hear one of our crew members singing a song from REPO - but more importantly I was excited to see THIS SET CARPENTER singing a song from REPO as this particular set carpenter was a HUGE TATTOOED MAN easily in his fifties...
What made me EVEN more excited was this Huge tattooed set carpenter was singing a song that was orignially sang by Sarah Brightman in REPO!!!

What a great way to end by day...

I shall use the stage bathrooms more often!


September 13, 2007 - Thursday
DAY 3....

My excitement continues to grow.... I am super tired - Paris hosted a REPO party last night...

I went...

Now, I want to take a nap!!!!


September 11, 2007 - Tuesday
Day Two... And I’m still blogging

Day 2... Wow... I can't believe I still have the energy to turn on my computer - let alone another blog... (actually I am on my mom's computer - as she has been hanging out on set for the last couple of days!!!)

Today was another AMAZING... I want to just keep shooting and shooting... watching the monitor today during a take one of the actors turned to me and said 'this looks like a fairy tale'...  I smiled... he was right - - it does look like a fairy tale!!!

Also - I was super excited - as I walking to lunch a crew member I had never met stopped me...  He had worked on Chicago recently (the film) and commented on how he couldn't get the music out of his head... In the big scheme of things this isn't a big deal... But to me - this lone comment shows me that I am not alone in my madness - - there will be others that see what I see in this movie...

Day 2 - come and gone... tomorrow one of my favorite songs - "Legal Assassin'.

Then onto the end of the week where we start brutally killing people!!!! I love my job!


September 10, 2007 - Monday

DAY ONE - wrap up

Wow... that's all I can say... I have been working on this project for years now - but nothing prepared me for the awesomeness that would follow..

We shot ALEXA VEGA and ANTHONY HEAD today doing two songs... We started our first day off with one my favorites called 'INFECTED'.

Joe White my DP did an incredible job... I wanted REPO! to be ultra stylized... I always pictured it visually as a cross between DICK TRACY and DARK CITY... My man Joe delivered... and delivered HARD CORE - we are shooting on HD - with the TOP of the line HD camera the 'genesis'. I have never seen a COOLER looking image in my life... This movie will have such a crazy 'hyper' stylized look to it... It's dark, gothic, and beautiful.

It was also eye opening to watch the crew responding to the material. For the majority of them, they had never heard the music... Unlike the SAW films, where the set has to be SUPER QUIET - REPO has music BLARING all day. The actors need to lip-sync back to their prerecorded tracks - so it's like a rock concert... Since this whole experience is strange - and something none of us have done before - everything feels NEW... Nothing is same ol' same ol'.

I have been awake for 19 hours - and I guess I have to force myself to go to sleep...

I can't wait to get back to set!!!

More tomorrow!
